Category Archives: Random

More Bunny for Your Money

In all my years of thrifting, I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for a find. And only $3.50!!

The others shoppers got to witness my impromptu and highly necessary photo shoot.

Definitely a little snug, but no way I was passing up on it. 

High-end Hello Kitty

I’ve seen Hello Kitty versions of everything, but not such a nice handbag.  A little dirty, but my sister was still tempted to get it.  

Think of all the Hello Kitty things that could fit in here!

GPS Graveyard 

Goodwills often become resting grounds for outdated technology. As older people finally realize that the computers they carry in their hands have free maps and navigation, these outdated clunkers wind up stockpiled here. I don’t see anyone buying these, so hopefully they wind up being recycled. 

Devices that once sold for hundreds wind up buried under miscellaneous cables.

Stupid Giant KIA Hamster

I’m not sure if this is one of those KIA hamsters, but it resembles it enough to bring out the rage in me. I really hate those commercials. I wanted to buy it just to incinerate it.


Car keys for scale.

Peculiar Seal Pinata


Who gives away a brand new pinata? That friendly seal face is just asking to be clubbed to shreds by sugar-hungry children and/or intoxicated adults.


It apparently has some kind of protrusion on the nose. Perhaps this manufacturing mishap is why he’s yet to find a (admittedly short-lived) home.

I Have Returned…

As many, some or maybe even none of you know, I moved to California this past summer.  Two weeks in a  20-foot moving van, towing a car with a girl in the passenger seat was exactly as nightmarish as it sounds.  I took a long hiatus from posting mostly due to forgetfulness, but also from getting a little burnt out; it’s tough posting something EVERY day that’s interesting enough to warrant posting.  This is especially true when your entire premise is based on getting lucky wandering around thrift stores.

I have decided to renew my mission of showcasing all the weird/cool/stupid things I find whilst thrifting, but I will now be spacing them out a bit.  Currently I rely on public transit (thankfully I live in a city), so I’m a bit limited in what thrift stores I can go to at the moment.  That said, I shall do my best to provide my tens of readers with the best stuff I can find.  Also, please feel free to talk about your own finds, submit pictures or just tell me how much you love seeing all this crap I post.

Thanks for reading,


100th Post: Beauty and the Beast Style!!

2013-05-27 17.38.55 2013-05-27 17.39.10

I found these awesome pictures in white frames at the grand opening of a Goodwill in Marietta, Ga.  These became gifts to two of my best friends at my going away party this weekend.  I’ll definitely miss them…and my friends too, of course.

Massive Butterfly Kites

Large Butterfly Kite

I hate bugs, so these massive butterfly kites I found in an Ohio Goodwill were mildly terrifying.

Large Butterfly Kite 2

I imagine this is what it would be like to see a Butterfree in real life.

To Teach is to Touch a Life Forever


I couldn’t agree more.

Uncomfortable Green School Chairs

Found these neat green chairs at the Goodwill in Woodstock, GA.

Green chairs

Green chairs 2

For $1.91 each, it wouldn’t cost that much to start your own outdated, secondhand school.